Pastor Greg serves as the Senior Pastor of Graceway Baptist Church and has done so for over 20 years. He has been in the ministry since the age of 19, having served on the staff of churches in Oklahoma, Texas, and Georgia. In these churches, he has served as Minister of Music, Minister to Students (both youth and college students), and as Associate Pastor, covering a nine-year span. Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Chelsea, OK (1988-1991); First Baptist Church of Tuttle, OK (1991-1996) and Graceway (1996-present).

Pastor Greg married Sami Cathey on September 21, 1984. They have three adult children: Taylor (married to Jennifer Mann), Jenny (married to Isaac Queen), and

Chelsea (married to Jeremy Davis) and 10 grandchildren (Maverick, Michaiah, Molly, Easton, Emma, Calvin, Lottie, Olivia, Charlotte, and Sutton)!. Sami sings in the church choir, leads Women’s Bible Studies, serves the Women's Ministry leadership team, and has various other responsibilities. Her main focus is to love and serve the Lord as a wife and mother.

The verses that best define his ministry are found in Colossians 1:28-29:

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. 29 For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." (ESV)

This leads him to generally preach verse by verse through books of the Bible with a desire to preach the whole counsel of God. He has preached in Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee as well as Honduras, Australia, Venezuela, and India. Most recently training pastors in India with the Ron Herrod Evangelistic Missions Association. Pastor Greg studied at Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK) and Criswell College (Dallas, TX ) and holds a Master of Arts Degree (with honors) in Biblical Counseling from Luther Rice Seminary and University (Lithonia, GA).